Have you got a blooming bad back?
Summer is finally on the horizon: the soil is warming, the
cold frame is filling, the plants are hardening off – the question is how
are you going to get them in the ground without it hurting?

Not only will you have healthier plants that flower earlier, but this will also enable you to employ a cunning, pain-free method of planting. A three-inch pot pretty much perfectly fills the plug-hole from a bulb planter, and if you invest in a long-handled planter with a foot bar, then it takes very little effort and no bending or digging to make a series of holes into which you can simply drop your mature plants, which then only need to be heeled in.
Another tip is to make sure you keep an edge on the bulb
planter – it’s a cutting tool and will go into soil with far less effort
if it’s sharp and consider dividing up your planting into twenty-minute
sessions: there are plenty of other jobs to be getting on with in between
planting out and frequent changes of activity help to avoid physical stress and
It won’t work for absolutely every single plant, but it can
be used for everything from runner beans and sweet corn to flowering annuals
and box cuttings – and afterwards, you’ll be smiling rather than