It is
sometimes hard to explain to someone who doesn’t suffer from headaches or
migraines what it’s like but try to imagine having a really bad hangover … only
without any of the preceding pleasure and with the knowledge that it isn’t
going to feel any better after coffee and aspirin, or indeed any time soon.
But what
causes headaches? And how can chiropractors treat them?
The first
thing to realise is that a headache isn’t an illness, it’s a symptom –and it’s
a symptom that can have dozens of different causes. As a clinician, one of the first jobs in
establishing a diagnosis is to rule out any sinister causes: tumours, vascular
problems and diseases such as temporal arteritis are rare but you can’t afford
to miss them.
most head pain is benign (even if it doesn’t feel like it!) and, if it is,
there is a surprisingly short list of the things that can be c
ausing the pain
because most of what’s inside your skull isn't pain sensitive. In order to feel
pain, you need special nerves called ‘nociceptors’ – and the grey and white
matter that make up your brain actually
don’t have any pain receptors, which is why brain surgeons just use local
anaesthetic (to numb the scalp), they can cut and scrape away at your actual brain
without you feeling it.
So if the
brain isn’t the pain, what is? Well, there is one structure inside your skull
that isn’t just good at causing pain, it’s the most pain sensitive bit of your
body – the lining of the brain, called the dura (actually, it’s really three
structures but that’s just making thinks more complicated than they need to
be). This is what becomes inflamed in
meningitis – and to a lesser extent in flu – and, if you’ve ever had one
of those headaches, you’ll appreciate exactly what misery it can cause.

So by now,
you’ve probably gathered that the top of the spine can cause a lot of … well …
headaches – and that stress can be a big trigger. It is not, however, just head position and
muscle tension that can cause dysfunction in this area – your teeth can
also do so! If you’re a clencher or a grinder (and you may be doing it at night
without even realising it), and your occlusion is unbalanced, then the
asymmetrical muscle tension can also cause rotational forces through the neck
and shoulders … and guess what that causes?
That’s right, the joint and muscle problems that we’ve just been talking
about (or dehydration!).
It took me
several years to work out why it was that not all of my headache patients got
better, even when I was sure I had got the diagnosis right, and several years
more to start working with an orthodontist and a psychotherapist to make sure
that those patients who had poor occlusions and/or were overly stressed could
get the joint management (pardon the pun) that they needed.
There is
one other form of headache that this collaboration has seemingly helped treat,
although once again the hard clinical ‘proof’ is lacking because nobody has
done the research – cluster migraines, also known as ‘suicide headaches’
because the pain and frequency of attacks can drive a person to that level of despair.
I had a
vested interest in discovering as much as I could about these headaches as my
father-in-law had been a sufferer in the past and started getting attacks again
not long after I married his daughter. I
read an interesting theory that the headaches were caused by temporalis muscle
spasm and the reason the pain was so bad was that the tendons of the muscles
insert no just into the temporal bone but into the sutures around the bone
where, in some people, they go deep enough to meet the dura mater, which also
runs up into the sutures from the inside … when the first starts putting
pressure on the second, it’s as if you were squeezing the body’s most sensitive
tissue in a vice.
solution was to deal with the cause of the spasm (a worn pain of ancient
dentures causing his bite to be ‘overclosed’) and release the muscles. One
happy father-in-law.

This fits
well with the concept many chiropractors use of a ‘physiological adaptive range’
within which things can go wrong without causing pain but as different factors
erode that ‘healthy’ range (diet, lifestyle, trauma, illness, environment), it
can tip you over the edge. Get as many
of those things right as possible, and you not only get rid of the symptoms but
restore enough of the adaptive range for you to soak up the daily pressure of
living without it triggering a headache.
This is
part of the reason that chiropractors don’t just train in diagnosis and
physical therapy but also in nutrition and psychology – which makes a
chiropractor a good place to start if you’ve got a headache.
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